News and events

Engage at every age

We are excited to introduce intergenerational activities at Highview Residences

On January 2, our residents enjoyed reading stories with the youngest generation.  The children were able to practice reading to a group and to individual residents.

The residents were so pleased to spend time in the innately joyful presence of children.  There were many smiles and a feeling of pride.  The residents were able to connect with the children and celebrate their accomplishments as they completed their books.

At Highview Residence we are excited to include more intergenerational programming.

Holiday Visits Are Important – interview with Kait Carnegie on CBC

Kait Carnegie, Activation Co-ordinator of Highview Kitchener, was recently interviewed by the CBC to discuss the importance of visiting loved ones with dementia during the holidays. Click here to read the full article. 

Gift ideas for someone with dementia

by Joy Birch, Chief Operating Officer, Highview Residences

If someone on your holiday shopping list has dementia, here are a few tips on how to find a suitable gift.

Early stage gifts

If the person is in the early stages of dementia, consider gifts that will keep their minds active or that will make life easier for them. Keep in mind that just because a person has dementia doesn’t mean their interests have changed.

• Books and magazines on topics that interest them. If reading has become a problem, try an audio book.
• A personalized music playlist loaded on a music device. Hearing favourite tunes from their past will stimulate memory and increase brain function.
• DVDs of favourite TV shows or movies. If they use a streaming service, you might want to buy them a gift card for that service.
• Personalized scrapbooks or photo albums will help them hold on to memories of significant people and events in their life.
• Puzzles and games are good for stimulating the brain. They might be simple or more challenging, depending upon the person’s cognitive abilities.
• A phone with large numbers and simple features may be easier for them to use than their current multi-feature, cordless phone or cell phone.
• Introduce them to an activity or exercise program that will keep them physically active and socially connected. Offer to go with them the first time or on an ongoing basis.
• Make a gift of your own time. Take them out for coffee, or shopping, or a show. If you live nearby, consider making it a regular date.

Mid-to-later stage gifts

If the person is in the mid-to-later stages of dementia, some gift ideas from the list above can be adapted.

• Books and magazines – Choose shorter stories. Read aloud to the person.
• A personalized music playlist loaded on an iPod – Familiar music can still revive old memories and improve mood, even in the later stages of dementia. Gentle music and calming sounds can have a soothing effect.
• Personalized scrapbooks or photo albums can still be used as a topic of conversation – and thus promote socialization – particularly if names and ages of people in the photos are labeled.

In the more advanced stages of dementia, a person may develop restless hands, particularly if they’re used to doing crafts, working with tools, or playing a musical instrument. At this stage, some of the following gift ideas may be a good choice.

A twiddlemuff is a hand muff with soft bits and pieces attached inside and out that provides an entertaining way for the person to occupy their hands. You can buy one from a specialty store or knit one yourself.
An activity box. For instance, a small toolkit-sized box made up a several small doors with locks that can be latched and unlatched.
A set of PVC tubes with connecting joints. The person can use it to build all sorts of interesting structures.
A lifelike stuffed dog or cat. The person may find this calming, particularly if they’ve owned a pet in the past.

Do you have other questions about supporting someone with dementia? Get in touch with us at We’d be happy to help.

Visiting someone who has dementia – 7 practical tips

Someone you know has dementia. Maybe it’s a friend or family member. It’s been a while since you’ve seen them. You’re not sure that it’s a good idea for you to visit. Are they really still the person you knew? Wouldn’t it just be awkward?

It’s easy to let this kind of uncertainty keep you away. It’s hardly surprising then that social isolation can be a big problem for people living with dementia.

So, how can you get past your doubts and stick by your friend or relative when they need you most?

With the assistance of Kait Carnegie, Activation Coordinator at our homes in Kitchener, we’ve put together 7 tips to help you prepare for a visit and make it as enjoyable and meaningful as possible.

1. Consider visiting early in the day

Many people with dementia are at their best from mid-morning to early or mid-afternoon. After that, they may be prone to restlessness and confusion, a phenomenon known as sundowning. Not everyone follows the same pattern, though. Check with the person’s family to see when it might be best for you to visit. Keep in mind that most individuals with dementia tend to get tired later in the day, so dropping in for supper may not be the best option.

2. Let go of the urge to correct

The first thing to realize is that you may not be able to have the same kind of conversations with the person as you did in the past. If they forget something you just told them, avoid correcting them or saying things like, “We talked about that just a few minutes ago. Don’t you remember?” Chances are they genuinely don’t.

A better response is to acknowledge what they’ve said and then casually change the topic. Let go of the desire to correct them. It’s not going to help them, and it’s likely only going to frustrate you. The sooner you recognize that expecting them to behave “normally” is an unproductive exercise, the more likely you’ll have a successful visit.

3. Realize that fibbing is okay

In the same vein, there are times when it’s perfectly okay not to tell the truth, particularly if the truth is upsetting. It’s best to say things that comfort rather than distress the person, even if it means telling little white lies.

For instance, if the person you’re visiting asks after someone they love, and you know their loved one died a year ago, reminding them of the death will only make them relive their grief. Instead, come up with a positive, plausible cover story that comforts them.

Kait offers an example. She remembers a resident who kept asking when his deceased wife was “coming home.” She responded by telling him things like “Oh, she went for physio” because that was something his wife used to do. Or “Oh, she went out for lunch with the girls. You know that they like to talk a lot, so we don’t know when she’ll be home.”

He might ask the same question several times a day. Telling him the truth would simply have made him re-experience the loss of his wife anew each time he asked the question.

4. Use objects and activities

If just sitting and talking is difficult, spend time doing an activity together when you visit. Dementia care homes have a variety of activity supplies on hand that you may be able to borrow. Among the many things that Highview keeps on hand are short stories and binders of trivia. Both can be used to encourage conversation and reminiscing. For instance, a piece of trivia or part of a story might prompt you to say something like, “Hey, I remember when you used to bake me an apple pie. That was my favourite thing about Thanksgiving.”

Photo albums are another great conversation starter. Maybe the person you’re visiting has an album with lots of vacation pictures. You can say things like, “Oh, you went on a cruise. Did you ever get seasick? What was your favourite part? Did you like the water? the sand?” Some families will even label photos with people’s names and ages.

Kait says, “Just because the person you’re visiting may not be able to tell you things in chronological order, that doesn’t mean you can’t talk about the memories that you share with them.”

If you still don’t know what to do during a visit, then drop in and have a meal with the person. Many dementia care homes have pay-as-you-go options for visitors. Sit at their regular table. Socialize with the people they’re socializing with. Use the meal as a topic of conversation.

5. Don’t be afraid to bring children with you

If you have children, you might be hesitant to bring them along for a visit. But according to Kait, they’re actually the easiest topic of conversation. Anyone who’s been a parent, even if they have dementia, will likely remember what it’s like to care for children. Their parenting instincts tend to click in.

They can do activities with the kids like colouring or crafts. They can have tea and cookies with them. Or they can just watch them play. It makes the visit easier. And if it’s their grandkids or other relatives, it brings the family together.

6. Offer practical help to the family caregiver

If you’re visiting someone in their own home, it’s a chance to show support for their primary caregiver, be that their spouse or an adult child. Often, practical offers of support are the most readily received. Offer to pick up some groceries. Or make a meal. It’s one less thing the caregiver will have to do themselves.

You can also offer to give them some time to themselves. As you visit, the caregiver might use the time to have a rest or catch up on laundry. Consider taking the person with dementia out for a country drive, Kait suggests. “Take them to Tim Hortons and get a coffee. If it’s nice out, you could take them out to the park for a walk.” If they rely on their primary caregiver for constant support, bring the caregiver along. At least it will help both of them get out of the house.

7. Don’t give up

If your visit doesn’t go well, don’t be discouraged. Just because the person gets agitated or restless or doesn’t seem happy to see you, don’t take it as a sign that you shouldn’t visit again. It might simply have been a bad day for them. Things may be better the next time you see them. Try again.

Do you have other questions about supporting someone with dementia? Get in touch with us. We’d be happy to help.

Planning for the holidays when your spouse has dementia

The holidays can be overwhelming at the best of times, but when your spouse has dementia, they can be especially stressful.

“The holidays are a time when there tends to be a lot of people around,” says Joy Birch, Chief Operating Officer of Highview Residences. “We have a lot more activities happening, we definitely have a lot more fancy lights, and it just tends to be a time when there are greater expectations on everyone, but particularly on that person who has dementia.”

Joy suggests modifying your plans as a family to make it easier for the person with dementia, as well as yourself, even if it means changing up some time-honoured traditions.

Holiday dinner

Big family gatherings may now be too much for your spouse to handle. Consider scaling things down. Instead of dinner, have small numbers of people visit for lunch or mid-morning coffee with treats. (People with dementia are often at their best in the morning and mid-day.) Consider wearing name tags or placing cards in front of plates. See whether one of your visitors is willing to act as your spouse’s buddy during the visit. That will give you more of a chance to socialize with others.

Decorations and music

Bright lights and holiday music may overload your spouse’s senses. Turn off some of the lights and turn down the music. Reposition or remove any decorations that could be trip hazards.

Manage your family’s expectations

Encourage your family to do go with the flow. If your spouse says something that’s incorrect or repetitive, ask them to let it go. Warn them that a visit may have to be cut short if your spouse gets tired. But let them know that even if your spouse may seem distracted or confused at times, it’s wonderful that they’re visiting.

Highview Residences’ homes in London and Kitchener are small, warm, inviting, and specially designed for people with dementia. For more information about Highview Residences, contact:

Highview Residences London
Hayley Gignac, General Manager
p: (519) 472-8882 ext 201

Highview Residences KW
Katlynne Elgie, General Manager
p: (519) 893-2374 ext 301

A new approach to dementia care

Two years after building the first residence in the Kitchener-Waterloo region specifically for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, Highview Residences has built a second.

The new Cedar Creek home, located at 20-C Reichert Drive in Kitchener, officially opened on Thursday, October 24.

“It really is one of the best options for dementia care that we have in our region,” said Michelle Martin, Executive Director of the Alzheimer Society of Waterloo- Wellington. Because of Highview’s special person-centred approach to care, residents feel like they’re at home. And that takes a huge load off their families.

The home is small, warm, and inviting. Only 28 residents will live at Cedar Creek, which is divided into two cottages with a private bedroom and bathroom for each resident.

Life at Highview doesn’t follow a standard schedule for everyone. Residents can wake up, have breakfast, and get dressed when they’re used to. They can choose to take a walk in Highview’s secure gardens, watch a favourite TV show, enjoy art or music, or help out in the home.

In November 2017, Jane Klugman, President at Whitney & Company Realty Limited, moved her mom into Blair Creek house, Highview’s first home in Kitchener. “It’s been great for all of us,” Jane said. “We know our Mom is getting amazing care. We get regular reports that are very detailed. The whole team at Highview is very welcoming, and I know my mom is well looked after. In fact, she is more than well looked after. We’re thrilled.”

“We help families make the transition of moving their loved one from their current home to a new home, one that has been designed to help make their lives easier and enable their independence,” says Joy Birch, Chief Operating Officer of Highview Residences. “Our approach is to help our residents navigate their day, with a guiding hand and love, encouraging them to do as much as they can. We support them when and how they need it, specific to their interests and life-story.”

Highview provides a failure-free environment, according to Activation Coordinator Kait Carnegie. Part of her role is to get to know each person’s interests and abilities. “If someone wants to help bake, that’s great. But if they simply want to sit, have a cup of tea, or share recipes, that’s okay too.”

“My main goal every day is to put a smile on someone’s face,” she said. “It’s to make sure that every day our residents wake up feeling loved and cared for.”

“Staff care deeply about what matters to the residents,” said Mary Pat Hinton, CEO of Emmetros, the creator of MemorySparx Connect, an innovative app that allows family to easily and securely share important personal life details and preferences of their loved one, share and receive daily updates, and chat with the people on the care team at Highview.

Building design is also key to Highview’s specialized care. In addition to being small and welcoming, the home has many dementia design features, including short hallways, calming colours, and clear sightlines. Both cottages have an enclosed garden with a figure-of-eight path to always bring the resident back home. All the wood furniture in the residence was sourced locally and is specifically designed to be appropriate for dementia care. The sights, sounds, and smells of home-cooking in the open-concept kitchen help with sensory cueing.

As much as the home is a nurturing setting, security is always a priority. The buildings have been designed to keep residents safe. Staff members are present at all times, day and night, and the home is fully secured.

The first Highview Residence was built in 2002 in London, Ontario by Cathy and Ross Chapin as a result of the personal struggles they endured when trying to find a peaceful place for Cathy’s parents to live after her father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

A select number of rooms are now available at the new home in Kitchener. To book a tour, visit

For more information about Highview Residences, contact:

Highview Residences London
Hayley Gignac, General Manager
p: (519) 472-8882 ext 201

Highview Residences KW
Katlynne Elgie, General Manager
p: (519) 893-2374 ext 301

Joy Birch

Chief Operating Officer Highview Residences

Joy Birch is the Chief Operating Officer of Highview Residences: a specialized care home for people with dementia. Joy draws on personal experiences, research and (mostly) the stories of the families she meets every day, when helping them navigate the process of finding a home.

People with Dementia Benefit from A Specialized Care Solution

The number of Canadians with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias is at an all-time high. While it is hard for a person living with this disease, in many ways it is even harder for family and friends as they journey alongside. The time will come when a decision will need to be made to move a loved one to a home.

Too often families work extremely hard to keep a loved one at home until the point of an emergency and then everything needs to move quickly. These challenges met Cathy Chapin when her dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Together with her husband Ross, they tried to find a peaceful, person-centred place for her dad to live, ideally together with his wife of 60 years but in the end Cathy’s parents lived separate and apart until he died 2 years later. Cathy says “we realized the care dad needed wasn’t available. We wanted to help other families avoid the pain we endured and decided to build a specialized home ourselves.”

The desire to create a place dedicated to the needs of people with dementia goes back two decades when Ruth Constable (along with the help of her husband Jack and colleague Camille Taylor) opened the original Highview in 1996. It showcased a unique model of care that comes from a place of respect, where the Person and their needs are honoured. Cathy and Ross decided to partner with Ruth in 2002 and build a new specialized care home.

Every person with dementia is different in how their disease progresses but it is widely accepted that loud noises, lots of people and strict demands on time is stressful and overwhelming. At Highview Residences the philosophy of care is resident-focussed. This means that the flow of the day, activities, meals and personal care are driven by the resident and not by an imposed time-schedule. Just 12 to 14 residents live in each cottage creating a small community that fosters familiarity. All bedrooms are private and furnished with the resident’s belongings, allowing the family to create a space that is familiar and like home. Couples can even choose to share a room if they would like to continue to live together. Shorter hallways and natural sitting areas along with a common kitchen and dining room, create a home where residents can be gently cued and participate in activities of daily living.

The kitchen is open and proximal so the sight, sounds and smells of food being prepared by the chef help to cue the resident. “There is always the opportunity to be involved in the preparation of the meals. For some this means helping peel potatoes and for others, it is simply to sit and be involved in what’s happening – just like how people would gather in your kitchen when you have company”, says Joy Birch, Chief Operating Officer. “Residents eat together in a small dining room, an experience that is designed to provide a sense of community and familiarity”.

Highview requests an extensive history of a new resident’s interests and hobbies before they move in. This allows activities to be created that are familiar and more likely to engage them, so they can experience a sense of accomplishment throughout the day. The ratio of staff to resident is higher than average. This helps to ensure resident-centred care and so staff have time to better know the residents they care for.

Family and friends are always welcome to visit which can include a meal or a cup of tea, a walk in the private, secure gardens or sitting together in a porch. Each resident is welcomed by compassionate and caring people who help them settle into this home-like residence, encouraging them to fold laundry and do other household chores just as they may have done in their own home.

As much as Highview Residences is a nurturing home-like setting, security is always a priority. The buildings have been designed to keep residents safe with 24-hour staffing.

“When people walk through the doors, there is a sense of calmness. It is comfortable, welcoming and like your home,” says Birch. “Everything here, from the design of the cottages, the thoughtful and intentional approach to care, and the compassion of our staff helps to improve the quality of life for people with dementia, every day,” she adds.


Joy Birch is the Chief Operating Officer of Highview Residences and has been helping families process and navigate the move for their Person from home to Highview, a specialized care home for people with dementia. Joy draws on personal experiences, research and (mostly) the stories of the families she meets, every day, in the community and at Highview. For more information about Highview Residences, please go to:


Grand Opening Celebration!

Highview Residences Kitchener is holding the Grand Opening Celebration for our new Cedar Creek House!

Join us on Thursday, October 24th from 7:30am to 4:00pm.

Please email us at to RSVP.

Cedar Creek House - Under Construction

Under Construction

Cedar Creek House - Accessible Showers

Accessible Showers

Cedar Creek House - New Leadership Team

New Leadership Team

RSVP for our Grand Opening!

It’s Official!

The names have been chosen!

This time in Honour of the founding-women of Highview.

Highview Kitchener’s Second  Home will be named:

Cedar Creek House – named after the other Creek that flows into our property.

The Cottages within the House will be named:

Bowlby Cottage – In Honour of Cathy Chapin’s mother’s maiden name.

Cooper Cottage – In Honour of Carmen Franklin’s (Gray Franklin’s wife’s) maiden name.

Dementia: Four Signs It Is Time to Make a Change

by Joy Birch, Chief Operating Officer, Highview Residences

By the year 2050, an average of 685 individuals will be diagnosed with dementia every day, totalling more than 1.7 million Canadians. With the progression of dementia, the time will come when a decision needs to be made about where to live. That decision comes with a range of feelings—fear, worry, grief—and many questions, the biggest being “when?”

There are generally four key signs that can help guide your decision:

1. Personal Care Decline

Dementia can affect a person’s sense of self, which may result in:

  • Neglecting hygiene (not bathing, unwashed hair)
  • Wearing the same clothes repeatedly
  • Forgetting to groom (shaving, brushing teeth, changing clothes)

2. Household Maintenance Issues

Routine household tasks become harder to complete, such as:

  • An empty or expired-food-filled refrigerator
  • Forgetting to take medications
  • Burnt or scorched pots from unattended cooking
  • Hoarding or accumulating excessive items

3. Social Withdrawal and Cognitive Changes

Dementia affects how a person expresses themselves and processes communication. Signs may include:

  • Becoming withdrawn, especially if they were once very social
  • Not engaging in conversations or avoiding them
  • Repeating stories or asking the same questions
  • Losing track of time or struggling with recent events

4. Spousal Protection & Caregiver Support

When a spouse notices their partner struggling with memory or communication, they may try to compensate. You may notice:

  • A spouse answering questions for their partner
  • Excessive cueing or prompting during conversations
  • Covering up memory lapses or minimizing concerns

Two Urgent Signs That Require Immediate Action

While the above four signs indicate a growing need for change, there are two critical situations where action must be taken immediately:

  • If the person with dementia wanders or gets lost—even once
  • If the primary caregiver’s health declines, they are injured or hospitalized

Either of these situations immediately changes what care is needed, who is caring, and where to live.

What Are the Next Steps?

Too often, families work hard to keep a loved one at home as long as possible—until an emergency forces them to make a quick decision. Taking proactive steps before a crisis can reduce stress and provide better options.
Immediate next steps may include:

  • Increasing family involvement to provide more support
  • Arranging in-home care services for additional assistance
  • Considering a long-term care home or a private dementia care residence

Why Families Choose Highview Residences

Highview Residences provides a secure, loving home designed specifically for people with dementia (including Alzheimer’s).

What Makes Highview Different?

  • Private bedrooms with an en-suite bathroom for privacy
  • Small, homelike cottages and open-concept dining rooms that promote comfort and community
  • Secure walking gardens and lots of natural light for well-being
  • Qualified, compassionate staff supporting residents through all stages of their dementia

“Families often wonder, ‘When is it time to move?’ Unfortunately, many wait until there is a crisis, which can limit choices. Having a plan can ease the transition and help ensure your loved one receives the care they need — before an emergency occurs.”
— Joy Birch, COO, Highview Residences

Get the Support You Need

If your loved one shows signs that additional care is needed, you are not alone. Highview Residences provides compassionate, specialized care that supports individuals and their families through the progression of dementia.

Highview Residences Kitchener-Waterloo

(519) 893-2374 ext 301

Highview Residences London

(519) 472-8882 ext 201

For more information on Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias, contact us today.